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PASS ‘Run 4 Fun’ – Tuesday 1st April

Please comply with the following:

-Ensure your child arrives at school promptly at 8:50.

-Ensure your child wears suitable clothing and footwear for physical activity / cross country. (PE kit – black leggings/joggers and white t-shirt).

-Provide plenty of water. (Enough to last the day).

-Apply sun cream and provide a sunhat/cap as the weather is forecast to be full sun.

-Provide a snack and packed lunch. (If you require an eFSM packed lunch from school, ring the office by midday tomorrow).

-PASS ask that no parents are to attend.

We look forward to a fun-filled, exciting day.

Miss Blackman, Mrs Fielding, Miss Evans, Mrs Doyle

Whole School Learning Log

World Book Day Learning Log Competition

This year we will be celebrating World Book Day on Wednesday 12th March.

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, we will be running a whole school competition to complete at home.

Competition: To draw and colour the front cover of your favourite book (no 3D designs please).

Please can this be completed on A4 paper (portrait layout). Entries need to be returned to school by Friday 14th March.

The competition entries will be judged by the School Council and the winning designs from each class will be framed and put on display in the school library.

Good luck / Pob lwc!