Year 5 + 6 pupils have been invited, along with other schools in Neath to take part in this year’s exciting, fun, 2k walk/run in Gnoll park.
Please comply with the following:
-Ensure your child arrives at school promptly at 8:50.
-Ensure your child wears suitable clothing and footwear for physical activity / cross country. (PE kit – black leggings/joggers and white t-shirt).
-Provide plenty of water. (Enough to last the day).
-Apply sun cream and provide a sunhat/cap as the weather is forecast to be full sun.
-Provide a snack and packed lunch. (If you require an eFSM packed lunch from school, ring the office by midday tomorrow).
-PASS ask that no parents are to attend.
We look forward to a fun-filled, exciting day.
Miss Blackman, Mrs Fielding, Miss Evans, Mrs Doyle