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Author: N Blackman

Year 6 Celebratory event

Dear parent/carer,

Year 6 have been invited to attend Bouncing Back Plus’ Celebratory event in partnership with the Ospreys.

When: Wednesday 20th of March

Where: stadium Plasmarl SA1 2FA.

What will the event involve?

There will be lots of fun and Interactive workshops combining physical activity, mental health, and emotional wellbeing.

It is a chance for the young people to come together, visit the stadium, have some fun and release those endorphins.

The Ospreys will have different workshops and fun inflatables for the children to play on. Action for Children will also have some classroom sessions reinforcing what was taught in the Bouncing Back sessions in a fun and interactive way through the use of games. 

What we ask of you as a parent:

  • To contribute towards travel costs: £4 per person payable via ParentPay
  • For all pupils to wear school PE clothing.
  • For pupils to bring a packed lunch (eFSM please cal the office to order by 15.03.24) and 2 drinks; as it will be an action-packed day!

Many thanks / Diolch yn fawr,

Christina Williams

Cydlynydd y Gwasanaeth/Service Coordinator South Wales Blues Programme

Miss Blackman and Mrs Davies