Wearing school uniform:
- promotes a sense of pride in the school
- displays a sense of community and belonging towards the school
- is practical and smart
- identifies the children with the school
- prevents children from coming to school in fashion clothes that could be distracting in class
- makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
- is regarded as suitable wear for school and good value for money
- is designed with health and safety in mind
School Uniform
Our school uniform is a
- Maroon jumper
- White OR maroon polo shirt
- Black or grey trousers, skirt, dress or shorts
- Red and white summer dress
*Some parents/carers favour a maroon top as it tends to last longer than white which have a tendency to get stained more easily.
PE Kit
We will continue to welcome the pupils to wear PE kit into school on their PE day. Please ensure that all clothing worn to school is appropriate and suitable for taking part in physical exercise i.e. no cropped tops, jeans or excessively short shorts.
On PE day, please could your child wear PE kit which is reflective of school uniform ie
- white T-shirt
- their normal school jumper
- dark shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms
- trainers
*Even on PE days, the children will still take part fully in their lessons and may well be getting messy including using paint, whiteboard pens etc.
Where can you get it from?
All school uniform including new round necked PE T Shirts are available from Sportec, Macron and Neath Market. However, please do not feel pressured to buy expensive branded uniform. We also have available to purchase from the school office, iron on logos which are perfect to pop onto existing plain t-shirts at a cost of £2.50.
Swap Shop!
We do have a number of pre-loved items of school uniform available here in school free of charge. If your child grows out of school uniform which is in good condition, we would love to have it to pass on to another family. We would also welcome pre-loved Christmas jumpers and St David’s Day costumes/ Welsh rugby tops etc. We know how expensive all of these celebration days can be and we would like to do anything we can to help!
Thank you very much for taking the time to read our newsletter,
From Miss Evans and your School Council