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Covid 19 Information

“Together We Nurture, Inspire and Achieve” 

“Gyda’n Gilydd rydym yn Meithrin, Ysbradoli a Chyflawni”

Message from the staff who are missing everyone.

School Closure – Home Learning

This area of the website for Gnoll Primary Virtual School has been created to support our pupils and families . Here you will be able to find information and guidance about how we are doing things during the Covid-19 crisis.

Supporting Our Pupils, Parents and Carers

I’d like to update you on the expectations and procedures in place at Gnoll Primary to support you and your child’s learning during the Coronavirus Crisis.

Firstly we want to reassure you and the pupils that we will not be trying to emulate the school day or expecting you to become teachers. However we will be providing regular, flexible learning experiences for all our pupils to engage with whilst you are at home isolating. Our aim is that our pupils feel connected, motivated and interested as we go through this situation together.

We understand that there will be a lot of challenges ahead but please do not underestimate the value of the learning experiences a home environment is providing too. Getting children involved in household activities such as cleaning, cooking and gardening are all educational too. In Wales we are lucky enough to have a Hwb platform which all your children have access to and BBC Bitesize will also be providing distance learning lessons over the next few weeks too.

Here you will find pages of support on Wellbeing and Learning. The aim is to support the continuity for learning which the Education Minister for Wales has been speaking about recently.

Supporting Our Parents and Carers

The pages here are for information regarding the Covid-19 crisis and useful information will be placed here. Specific school information will remain on the school website areas.

If you need to Contact us then please use the school contact details

Where can I find the work set?

It’s mostly on Hwb, where you will also find a link to our guidance for parents and carers. Some children who are unable to access on-line work will be given learning packs.

How much work will be set?

Each class have been advised to set work for half of the amount of hours they would teach that class over a two week timetable.  This is to ensure that no child feels overwhelmed. However there will be optional extension activities also available through some subjects. Teachers will deliver two “Live” learning sessions a day.

How often will work be set?

This will depend on individual classes –  teachers will release the learning for the week on Monday morning, following the first Live lesson. Instructions and timelines will be clearly communicated on tasks. Please check Hub/on-line learning daily, keep a look out for due dates and new activities.

I haven’t completed all my work will I get in trouble?

No. We want you to do as much as you can but understand that personal situations can change unexpectedly. Remember your teachers are still there to help you. You can contact them via Hwb/J2Easy or email. Be patient for a response though some teachers will also be working at the Learning Hub.

Do I have to follow my normal timetable?

No. We understand that your routine at home may be different to a normal school day. However is it good for your wellbeing to have an agreed routine at home which allows you to focus on school work. You may find it helpful to prioritise the work from the lessons you would have had that day.

Will all the work set need to be completed on-line?

Teachers will be setting a variety of tasks over the coming weeks; not all of them will need to be completed on-line.

Will my work be marked?

No formal marking or assessments will take place during this time. Teachers will provide feedback and pupils will still be rewarded through achievement points via our ClassDoJo system.

Useful Websites:

There are also other online resources available to support your children outside of this provision. These include:

  • Hwb Resources – This provides a wealth of materials for learning and revision.
  • BBC Bitesize – A wide range of lessons and activities for pupils to study.
  • Thinkuknow –  This is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. Explore one of the six Thinkuknow websites for advice about staying safe when you’re on a phone, tablet or computer.
  • Sports Wales – Here’s a link to the Sport Wales website and their campaign to keep Wales moving during the coronavirus crisis. There’s lots of activity ideas for everyone and information on looking after your wellbeing.
  • NEW ACTIVITY PACKS – Hafan Cymru – The new sets have activities centred about emotional wellbeing and resilience as well as some more cooking activities. When in the link above, please scroll down the page to the packs dated 27.04.2020,